Texas Music Educators Association Wrap-up

From February 12-15, 2014 Sight Reading Factory® exhibited at the TMEA convention in San Antonio, Texas. We showed our unique and exciting product to hundreds of educators and performers throughout the conference. We demonstrated how our product operates in the cloud on laptops, tablets, desktops, and smartphones and how it can revolutionize teaching and practicing sight reading.

The momentum and excitement in Texas was contagious. One of our favorite things to demonstrate was the new multiple part sight reading for choir. You can instantly generate unlimited chorale exercises, based on the principles of part writing, for your ensemble. Most of our visitors were amazed at just how quickly the site composes these exercises. Remember, Sight Reading Factory® is not a database of composed exercises; it composes the music on demand so it is truly ever-changing, always new sight reading.

Finally, we are excited to announce the winner of our big contest! Our contest drawing this year was for a one year educator subscription plus 100 student accounts. The 2014 TMEA winner is Stacie Glowka! Congratulations, Stacie!

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